Friday, September 17, 2010

World's Largest Crossword

The Ukrainian city of Lvov has recently installed what might just be theworld's largest crossword (in physical size). The puzzle covers the entire side of a residential tower block that's approximately 30 meters tall. During the day the crossword appears empty - with the answers lighting up at night. The questions for the puzzle are located in different point of interests of the city: monuments, theatres, fountains etc. so people walking around the city can try to solve the puzzle and write down their answers. When night comes they can meet at this house and check how they did. 

World's Largest Pencil

This mother-of-all writing utensils weighs in at 21,500 lbs and stretches to 76 feet long and it’s a version of the classic No. 2. The huge pencil was built in New York by Ashrita Furman and many talented craftsmen

World’s Largest Revolver

You’re looking at what probably is the largest revolver in the world: a replica of Remington model 1859, by Mr. Ryszard Tobys. It’s 1.26 meter (4.13 ft.) long. 

World's Largest Bottle of Wine

It’s a 490 liter Grande Cuvee TBA NV No.7 2005 of Austrian wine maker Kracher, presented in Rehetobel Switzerland. The bottle itself has been certified by Guinness World Records as the world’s largest bottle of wine, holding the equivalent to 640 regular bottles of wine. 

World’s Largest Motorcycle

Officially recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records, Gregory Dunham, from California's Stockton, built the world's largest motorcycle. Greg spent three years in his workshop crafting this 11 feet tall, 20 feet long monster bike which is powered by a 8.2 litre (V8 engine and has tyres that are 1.88 m tall. The 6,500-pound motorcycle with a pricetag of $300,000 is totally rideable. 

World's Largest Book

The award for largest published book goes to an author and scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Michael Hawley. The 133-pound book is five by seven feet, 112 pages, needs a gallon of ink for printing, and costs $2,000 to produce. Its title? “Bhutan: A Visual Odyssey Across the Kingdom.”

Friday, September 10, 2010

World Largest Motorcycle Pyramid

Dare Devils Team of the Indian Army Signal Corps

201 men on 10 motorcycles

Jabalpur, India

July 5, 2001

The Dare Devils Team of the Indian Army Signal Corps achieved a motorcycle pyramid consisting of 201 men balanced on 10 motorcycles, on July 5, 2001 at Gowri Shankar Parade Ground, Jabalpur, India. The pyramid travelled a distance of 129 m (424 ft).

World Largest Human Logo

Realizar Eventos Especiais


Lisbon, Portugal

July 24, 1999

On July 24, 1999 a total of 34,309 people organized by Realizar Eventos Especias, gathered at the National Stadium of Jamor, Lisbon, Portugal, to create the Portuguese logo for Euro2004, as part of the successful Portuguese bid to UEFA to hold the European football championships in 2004.
The kicking leg of the player in the logo was composed of 651 gymnasts wearing black and white capes, which when swapped over, created the illusion of the player kicking the ball. Once the ball was kicked, it released 10,000 red and green helium balloons - the colours of the Portuguese flag.
As part of the bid, the crowd shouted 'Portugal we love football' and sang the national anthem.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

World Largest school by pupils

World Largest school by pupils

City Montessori School


Lucknow, India

February 5, 2008

The largest school in terms of pupils is the City Montessori School in Lucknow, India, which had a record enrolment of 32,114 pupils on 5 February 2008 for the 2007-2008 academic year.

World Largest Film Studio

World Largest Film Studio

Ramoji Film City

674 ha
(1,666 acres)

Hyderabad, India


The largest film studio complex in the world is Ramoji Film City, Hyderabad, India, which opened in 1996 and measures 674 ha (1,666 acres). Comprising of 47 sound stages, it has permanent sets ranging from railway stations to temples.

World Largest Guitar Ensemble

World Largest Guitar Ensemble

The largest guitar ensemble was achieved by 6,346 participants in an event organised by Thanks Jimi Festival, in Wroclaw, Rynek, Poland, on 01 May 2009.
The event saw rock band Deep Purple taking part in the record attempt.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

World Largest Offshore Gas Platform

World Largest Offshore Gas Platform

The Troll Offshore Gas Platform, located off Norway in the North Sea, is the heaviest man made mobile object ever made, with a dry weight of the gravity base structure at 656,000 tonnes. Standing 369m tall, it was made from 245,000m3 of concrete, (the equivalent to 215,000 foundations for ordinary homes) and 100,000 tonnes of steel (approximately 15 Eiffel towers).
Owned by Shell Oil, the platform was constructed by Norwegian Contractors from July 1991 at a cost of NOK4,150million.