Sunday, August 14, 2011

World Largest Government Cabinet

Most cabinet ministers appointed by a government


Sri Lanka  


Sri Lanka  


January 11, 2008  


The record for the most cabinet ministers in one country is 52, all of whom were appointed by President Mahinda Rajapaksa of Sri Lanka on 17 November 2005.  

Saturday, July 30, 2011

World Largest Nuclear Generating Station(power)

It is the largest nuclear generating station in the world by net electrical power rating. It was approximately 15 miles from the epicenter of the second strongest earthquake to ever occur at a nuclear plant, the Mw 6.6 July 2007 Chūetsu offshore earthquake. This shook the plant beyond design basis and initiated an extended shutdown for inspection, which indicated that greater earthquake-proofing was needed before operation could be resumed.
The plant was completely shut down for 21 months following the earthquake. On May 9, 2009, one unit (Unit 7) was restarted, after seismic upgrades. Units 6, 1, and 5 have since been restarted as well.

Reactor attributes
KK - 1KK - 2KK - 3KK - 4KK - 5KK - 6KK - 7
Net Power (MW)1,0671,0671,0671,0671,0671,3151,315
Gross Power (MW)1,1001,1001,1001,1001,1001,3561,356
Start of Construction6/5/198011/18/19853/7/19893/5/19906/20/198511/3/19927/1/1993
First Criticality12/12/198411/30/198910/19/199211/01/19937/20/198912/18/199511/01/1996
Commission date9/18/19859/28/19908/11/19938/11/19944/10/199011/7/19967/2/1997
Installation Costs (1,000 yen/kW)330360310310420310280
Reactor/NSSS SupplierToshibaToshibaToshibaHitachiHitachiHitachi/Toshiba/GEHitachi/Toshiba/GE


All reactors continue to use low-enriched uranium as the nuclear fuel; however, there have been plans drafted by Tepco to use MOX fuel in some of the reactors by the permission of the Japanese Atomic Energy Commission (JAEC).

Monday, December 27, 2010

World Largest space telescope

Largest space telescope The $2.1-billion (£1.4-billion) NASA Edwin P. Hubble Space Telescope weighs 11 tonnes (24,250 lb) and is 13.1 m (43 ft) in overall length, with a 240-cm (94.8-in) reflector. It was was launched into space, at an altitude of 613 km (381 miles), by the US space shuttle Discovery on 24 April 1990.  

The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a space telescope that was carried into orbit by a space shuttle in 1990. Although not the first space telescope, Hubble is one of the largest and most versatile, and is well-known as both a vital research tool and a public relations boon for astronomy. The HST was built by the United States space agency NASA, with contributions from the European Space Agency, and is operated by the Space Telescope Science Institute. It is named after the astronomer Edwin Hubble. The HST is one of NASA's Great Observatories, along with the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory, the Chandra X-ray Observatory, and theSpitzer Space Telescope.

OrganizationNASA / ESA / STScI
Launch dateApril 24, 1990, 8:33:51 am EDT
Launch vehicleSpace Shuttle Discovery (STS-31)
Mission length20 years, 8 months, and 4 days elapsed
Deorbiteddue ~2013–2021
Mass11,110 kg (24,500 lb)
Type of orbitNear-circular low Earth orbit
Orbit height559 km (347 mi)
Orbit period96–97 minutes (14-15 periods per day)
Orbit velocity7,500 m/s (25,000 ft/s)
Acceleration due to gravity8.169 m/s2 (26.80 ft/s2)
LocationLow Earth orbit
Telescope styleRitchey-Chrétien reflector
WavelengthOptical, ultraviolet, near-infrared
Diameter2.4 m (7 ft 10 in)
Collecting area4.5 m2 (48 sq ft)
Focal length57.6 m (189 ft)
NICMOSinfrared camera/spectrometer
ACSoptical survey camera
(partially failed)
WFC3wide field optical camera
COSultraviolet spectrograph
STISoptical spectrometer/camera
FGSthree fine guidance sensors

World Largest Submarine

The worlds largest submarines are the Russian 941 Akula (designated 'Typhoon' by NATO) class. The launch of the first at the secret covered shipyard at Severodvinsk in the White Sea was announced by NATO on 23 Sep 1980. The vessels are believed to have a dived displacement of 26,500 tonnes (58.422 million lb), to measure 171.5 m (562 ft 7 in) overall and to be armed with 20 multiple warhead SS-N-20 missiles with a range of 8300 km (4500 nautical miles). It is thought less than five remain in service.  

Project 971 Щука-Б ( NATO reporting name"Akula"), is a nuclear-powered attack submarine (SSN) first deployed by the Soviet Navy in 1986. There are three sub-classes or flights of Shchuka, consisting of the original seven "Akula I" submarines which were built between 1982 and 1986, five "Improved Akula" submarines built between 1986 and 1991, and two "Akula II" submarines built from 1991. The distinction between the Improved Akula and the Akula II class is debated by authoritative sources.The Russians call all of the submarines Schuka-B, regardless of modifications.

Operators:Soviet Navy Ensign Soviet Navy
Russian Navy Ensign Russian Navy
Preceded by:Operational precedessor: Victor class
By sequence of construction: Sierra class
Succeeded by:Graney class, Severodvinsk Class (in development)
In service:1986
Active:9 (8 In Russia, 1 training for India)

Type:nuclear-powered attack submarine
Displacement:5,700-8,140 tons surfaced
7,900-9,100 tons submerged
7,900-12,770 tons submerged (Akula-II)
Length:108.0 - 111.7 m (sources vary)
Beam:13.6 m
Draught:9.7 m
Propulsion:one 190 MW OK-650B/OK-650Mpressurized water nuclear reactor
1 OK-7 steam turbine 43,000 hp(32 MW)
2 OK-2 Turbogenerators producing 2,000 kW
1 seven-bladed propeller
2 retractable electric propulsors for low-speed maneuvering at 3 knots (6 km/h)
Speed:11,6 knots (37 km/h) surfaced
33 knots (65 km/h) submerged
Endurance:100 days
Test depth:480 m operational depth
600 m test depth
Sensors and
processing systems:
MGK-540 active/passive suite
Flank arrays
Pelamida towed array sonar
MG-70 mine detection sonar
Electronic warfare
and decoys:
Bukhta ESM/ECM
*MG-74 Korund noise simulationdecoys (fired from external tubes)
MT-70 Sonar intercept receiver
Nikhrom-M IFF
4x533mm torpedo tubes (plus 6 external 533mm tubes on Improved Akulas and Akula II's; 28 torpedoes) 4x650mm torpedo tubes (12 torpedoes)
1-3x SA-N-10 Igla-M Surface-to-air missile launcher fired from sail (surface use only)
Notes:Chiblis Surface Search radar
Medvyedista-945 Navigation system
Molniya-M Satellite communications
MGK-80 Underwater communications
Tsunami, Kiparis, Anis, Sintez and Kora Communications antennas
Paravan Towed VLF Antenna
Vspletsk Combat direction system

Thursday, October 21, 2010

World Largest tea Cup

One of the world’s main tea producing countries – Sri Lanka – has just become the scene for a new world record, certified by the Guinness company: the largest ever cup of tea to be made anywhere in the world.
It was much too big a cup to involve anyone “putting the kettle on”.
Instead the tea, which had been cooking for hours in urns of 200-litre capacity, was pumped into the cup until it was full, he said
Firecrackers were lit as it was announced that the big red cup had been filled with 4,000 litres of tea.
It was then taken around the city and handed out in small plastic cups. 
A representative from Guinness World Records was there to certify this as the world’s biggest cuppa – 33 percent bigger than the previous record set in America – and send it into the famed record book.
The 64 kilogrammes of tea used for the brew came from Sri Lanka’s famed estates.
It was brewed with 175 kilogrammes of sugar and a massive 850 kilogrammes of a malted food drink made by Glaxo.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Largest parade of Volvo cars

On Saturday 11th September 2010 I made my way to Katowice, Poland where I was met by one of the organisers of Volvo Forum who had been tirelessly working with his entire team to make their dream of a setting a new Guinness World Records title a reality. They had been working solidly for months in order to achieve the largest parade of Volvo Cars. Although at Guinness World Records we have had many records for the largest parade of vehicles, we have not yet had had one for Volvo cars and with this being the first, the anticipation for a new record was very apparent. Although originally a Swedish car manufacturer, I was told upon arrival in Poland that the Volvo car is extremely popular in this country and for many families this is the perfect vehicle to have. That being said both organisers Volvo and auto-Boss were very hopeful that participants with Volvo cars would turn up in their hundreds to make this record attempt a success.

Like with all of our record attempts we always set a minimum requirement that the potential record holders have to adhere to and this was no exception for Volvo. The minimum requirement of cars in the parade was 250 cars to participate with specific guidelines that had to be followed. 
On the morning of 12th September, being a Sunday the roads in Katowice were fairly quiet and I had the opportunity to be taken along the route that the parade would be taking place on. The route itself started on the border between Katowice and Chorzow and then proceeded into Katowice city centre. The guidelines state that the route needs to be at least 3.2km long and after being driven along it I was able to successfully measure the distance, in total it was 4.1km; therefore making it a more than acceptable distance for the parade to take place on.

Friday, September 17, 2010

World's Largest Crossword

The Ukrainian city of Lvov has recently installed what might just be theworld's largest crossword (in physical size). The puzzle covers the entire side of a residential tower block that's approximately 30 meters tall. During the day the crossword appears empty - with the answers lighting up at night. The questions for the puzzle are located in different point of interests of the city: monuments, theatres, fountains etc. so people walking around the city can try to solve the puzzle and write down their answers. When night comes they can meet at this house and check how they did.