Thursday, October 21, 2010

World Largest tea Cup

One of the world’s main tea producing countries – Sri Lanka – has just become the scene for a new world record, certified by the Guinness company: the largest ever cup of tea to be made anywhere in the world.
It was much too big a cup to involve anyone “putting the kettle on”.
Instead the tea, which had been cooking for hours in urns of 200-litre capacity, was pumped into the cup until it was full, he said
Firecrackers were lit as it was announced that the big red cup had been filled with 4,000 litres of tea.
It was then taken around the city and handed out in small plastic cups. 
A representative from Guinness World Records was there to certify this as the world’s biggest cuppa – 33 percent bigger than the previous record set in America – and send it into the famed record book.
The 64 kilogrammes of tea used for the brew came from Sri Lanka’s famed estates.
It was brewed with 175 kilogrammes of sugar and a massive 850 kilogrammes of a malted food drink made by Glaxo.

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