Monday, December 27, 2010

World Largest space telescope

Largest space telescope The $2.1-billion (£1.4-billion) NASA Edwin P. Hubble Space Telescope weighs 11 tonnes (24,250 lb) and is 13.1 m (43 ft) in overall length, with a 240-cm (94.8-in) reflector. It was was launched into space, at an altitude of 613 km (381 miles), by the US space shuttle Discovery on 24 April 1990.  

The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a space telescope that was carried into orbit by a space shuttle in 1990. Although not the first space telescope, Hubble is one of the largest and most versatile, and is well-known as both a vital research tool and a public relations boon for astronomy. The HST was built by the United States space agency NASA, with contributions from the European Space Agency, and is operated by the Space Telescope Science Institute. It is named after the astronomer Edwin Hubble. The HST is one of NASA's Great Observatories, along with the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory, the Chandra X-ray Observatory, and theSpitzer Space Telescope.

OrganizationNASA / ESA / STScI
Launch dateApril 24, 1990, 8:33:51 am EDT
Launch vehicleSpace Shuttle Discovery (STS-31)
Mission length20 years, 8 months, and 4 days elapsed
Deorbiteddue ~2013–2021
Mass11,110 kg (24,500 lb)
Type of orbitNear-circular low Earth orbit
Orbit height559 km (347 mi)
Orbit period96–97 minutes (14-15 periods per day)
Orbit velocity7,500 m/s (25,000 ft/s)
Acceleration due to gravity8.169 m/s2 (26.80 ft/s2)
LocationLow Earth orbit
Telescope styleRitchey-Chrétien reflector
WavelengthOptical, ultraviolet, near-infrared
Diameter2.4 m (7 ft 10 in)
Collecting area4.5 m2 (48 sq ft)
Focal length57.6 m (189 ft)
NICMOSinfrared camera/spectrometer
ACSoptical survey camera
(partially failed)
WFC3wide field optical camera
COSultraviolet spectrograph
STISoptical spectrometer/camera
FGSthree fine guidance sensors

World Largest Submarine

The worlds largest submarines are the Russian 941 Akula (designated 'Typhoon' by NATO) class. The launch of the first at the secret covered shipyard at Severodvinsk in the White Sea was announced by NATO on 23 Sep 1980. The vessels are believed to have a dived displacement of 26,500 tonnes (58.422 million lb), to measure 171.5 m (562 ft 7 in) overall and to be armed with 20 multiple warhead SS-N-20 missiles with a range of 8300 km (4500 nautical miles). It is thought less than five remain in service.  

Project 971 Щука-Б ( NATO reporting name"Akula"), is a nuclear-powered attack submarine (SSN) first deployed by the Soviet Navy in 1986. There are three sub-classes or flights of Shchuka, consisting of the original seven "Akula I" submarines which were built between 1982 and 1986, five "Improved Akula" submarines built between 1986 and 1991, and two "Akula II" submarines built from 1991. The distinction between the Improved Akula and the Akula II class is debated by authoritative sources.The Russians call all of the submarines Schuka-B, regardless of modifications.

Operators:Soviet Navy Ensign Soviet Navy
Russian Navy Ensign Russian Navy
Preceded by:Operational precedessor: Victor class
By sequence of construction: Sierra class
Succeeded by:Graney class, Severodvinsk Class (in development)
In service:1986
Active:9 (8 In Russia, 1 training for India)

Type:nuclear-powered attack submarine
Displacement:5,700-8,140 tons surfaced
7,900-9,100 tons submerged
7,900-12,770 tons submerged (Akula-II)
Length:108.0 - 111.7 m (sources vary)
Beam:13.6 m
Draught:9.7 m
Propulsion:one 190 MW OK-650B/OK-650Mpressurized water nuclear reactor
1 OK-7 steam turbine 43,000 hp(32 MW)
2 OK-2 Turbogenerators producing 2,000 kW
1 seven-bladed propeller
2 retractable electric propulsors for low-speed maneuvering at 3 knots (6 km/h)
Speed:11,6 knots (37 km/h) surfaced
33 knots (65 km/h) submerged
Endurance:100 days
Test depth:480 m operational depth
600 m test depth
Sensors and
processing systems:
MGK-540 active/passive suite
Flank arrays
Pelamida towed array sonar
MG-70 mine detection sonar
Electronic warfare
and decoys:
Bukhta ESM/ECM
*MG-74 Korund noise simulationdecoys (fired from external tubes)
MT-70 Sonar intercept receiver
Nikhrom-M IFF
4x533mm torpedo tubes (plus 6 external 533mm tubes on Improved Akulas and Akula II's; 28 torpedoes) 4x650mm torpedo tubes (12 torpedoes)
1-3x SA-N-10 Igla-M Surface-to-air missile launcher fired from sail (surface use only)
Notes:Chiblis Surface Search radar
Medvyedista-945 Navigation system
Molniya-M Satellite communications
MGK-80 Underwater communications
Tsunami, Kiparis, Anis, Sintez and Kora Communications antennas
Paravan Towed VLF Antenna
Vspletsk Combat direction system

Thursday, October 21, 2010

World Largest tea Cup

One of the world’s main tea producing countries – Sri Lanka – has just become the scene for a new world record, certified by the Guinness company: the largest ever cup of tea to be made anywhere in the world.
It was much too big a cup to involve anyone “putting the kettle on”.
Instead the tea, which had been cooking for hours in urns of 200-litre capacity, was pumped into the cup until it was full, he said
Firecrackers were lit as it was announced that the big red cup had been filled with 4,000 litres of tea.
It was then taken around the city and handed out in small plastic cups. 
A representative from Guinness World Records was there to certify this as the world’s biggest cuppa – 33 percent bigger than the previous record set in America – and send it into the famed record book.
The 64 kilogrammes of tea used for the brew came from Sri Lanka’s famed estates.
It was brewed with 175 kilogrammes of sugar and a massive 850 kilogrammes of a malted food drink made by Glaxo.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Largest parade of Volvo cars

On Saturday 11th September 2010 I made my way to Katowice, Poland where I was met by one of the organisers of Volvo Forum who had been tirelessly working with his entire team to make their dream of a setting a new Guinness World Records title a reality. They had been working solidly for months in order to achieve the largest parade of Volvo Cars. Although at Guinness World Records we have had many records for the largest parade of vehicles, we have not yet had had one for Volvo cars and with this being the first, the anticipation for a new record was very apparent. Although originally a Swedish car manufacturer, I was told upon arrival in Poland that the Volvo car is extremely popular in this country and for many families this is the perfect vehicle to have. That being said both organisers Volvo and auto-Boss were very hopeful that participants with Volvo cars would turn up in their hundreds to make this record attempt a success.

Like with all of our record attempts we always set a minimum requirement that the potential record holders have to adhere to and this was no exception for Volvo. The minimum requirement of cars in the parade was 250 cars to participate with specific guidelines that had to be followed. 
On the morning of 12th September, being a Sunday the roads in Katowice were fairly quiet and I had the opportunity to be taken along the route that the parade would be taking place on. The route itself started on the border between Katowice and Chorzow and then proceeded into Katowice city centre. The guidelines state that the route needs to be at least 3.2km long and after being driven along it I was able to successfully measure the distance, in total it was 4.1km; therefore making it a more than acceptable distance for the parade to take place on.

Friday, September 17, 2010

World's Largest Crossword

The Ukrainian city of Lvov has recently installed what might just be theworld's largest crossword (in physical size). The puzzle covers the entire side of a residential tower block that's approximately 30 meters tall. During the day the crossword appears empty - with the answers lighting up at night. The questions for the puzzle are located in different point of interests of the city: monuments, theatres, fountains etc. so people walking around the city can try to solve the puzzle and write down their answers. When night comes they can meet at this house and check how they did. 

World's Largest Pencil

This mother-of-all writing utensils weighs in at 21,500 lbs and stretches to 76 feet long and it’s a version of the classic No. 2. The huge pencil was built in New York by Ashrita Furman and many talented craftsmen

World’s Largest Revolver

You’re looking at what probably is the largest revolver in the world: a replica of Remington model 1859, by Mr. Ryszard Tobys. It’s 1.26 meter (4.13 ft.) long. 

World's Largest Bottle of Wine

It’s a 490 liter Grande Cuvee TBA NV No.7 2005 of Austrian wine maker Kracher, presented in Rehetobel Switzerland. The bottle itself has been certified by Guinness World Records as the world’s largest bottle of wine, holding the equivalent to 640 regular bottles of wine. 

World’s Largest Motorcycle

Officially recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records, Gregory Dunham, from California's Stockton, built the world's largest motorcycle. Greg spent three years in his workshop crafting this 11 feet tall, 20 feet long monster bike which is powered by a 8.2 litre (V8 engine and has tyres that are 1.88 m tall. The 6,500-pound motorcycle with a pricetag of $300,000 is totally rideable. 

World's Largest Book

The award for largest published book goes to an author and scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Michael Hawley. The 133-pound book is five by seven feet, 112 pages, needs a gallon of ink for printing, and costs $2,000 to produce. Its title? “Bhutan: A Visual Odyssey Across the Kingdom.”

Friday, September 10, 2010

World Largest Motorcycle Pyramid

Dare Devils Team of the Indian Army Signal Corps

201 men on 10 motorcycles

Jabalpur, India

July 5, 2001

The Dare Devils Team of the Indian Army Signal Corps achieved a motorcycle pyramid consisting of 201 men balanced on 10 motorcycles, on July 5, 2001 at Gowri Shankar Parade Ground, Jabalpur, India. The pyramid travelled a distance of 129 m (424 ft).

World Largest Human Logo

Realizar Eventos Especiais


Lisbon, Portugal

July 24, 1999

On July 24, 1999 a total of 34,309 people organized by Realizar Eventos Especias, gathered at the National Stadium of Jamor, Lisbon, Portugal, to create the Portuguese logo for Euro2004, as part of the successful Portuguese bid to UEFA to hold the European football championships in 2004.
The kicking leg of the player in the logo was composed of 651 gymnasts wearing black and white capes, which when swapped over, created the illusion of the player kicking the ball. Once the ball was kicked, it released 10,000 red and green helium balloons - the colours of the Portuguese flag.
As part of the bid, the crowd shouted 'Portugal we love football' and sang the national anthem.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

World Largest school by pupils

World Largest school by pupils

City Montessori School


Lucknow, India

February 5, 2008

The largest school in terms of pupils is the City Montessori School in Lucknow, India, which had a record enrolment of 32,114 pupils on 5 February 2008 for the 2007-2008 academic year.

World Largest Film Studio

World Largest Film Studio

Ramoji Film City

674 ha
(1,666 acres)

Hyderabad, India


The largest film studio complex in the world is Ramoji Film City, Hyderabad, India, which opened in 1996 and measures 674 ha (1,666 acres). Comprising of 47 sound stages, it has permanent sets ranging from railway stations to temples.

World Largest Guitar Ensemble

World Largest Guitar Ensemble

The largest guitar ensemble was achieved by 6,346 participants in an event organised by Thanks Jimi Festival, in Wroclaw, Rynek, Poland, on 01 May 2009.
The event saw rock band Deep Purple taking part in the record attempt.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

World Largest Offshore Gas Platform

World Largest Offshore Gas Platform

The Troll Offshore Gas Platform, located off Norway in the North Sea, is the heaviest man made mobile object ever made, with a dry weight of the gravity base structure at 656,000 tonnes. Standing 369m tall, it was made from 245,000m3 of concrete, (the equivalent to 215,000 foundations for ordinary homes) and 100,000 tonnes of steel (approximately 15 Eiffel towers).
Owned by Shell Oil, the platform was constructed by Norwegian Contractors from July 1991 at a cost of NOK4,150million.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

World Largest collection of Model Cars

World Largest collection of Model Cars

The largest collection of model cars belongs to Michael Zarnock of Deerfield, New York, USA, with 8,128 different Hot Wheels® model cars, as of February 14, 2007, which he has amassed since 1968.

World Largest Bikini Parade

World Largest Bikini Parade

Sunday 23 May 2010
Venus Fort in Koto-ku, Tokyo
323 participants in the parade.

Friday, August 27, 2010

World Largest Soccer Ball

World Largest Soccer Ball

Organised by official FIFA World Cup sponsor KIA Motors and Emperors Palace Resort, this attempt was nothing short of spectacular.  Modeled on Adidas' very first Telstar World Cup ball from Mexico in 1970, this was an exact enlarged replica 

with 32 individual panels, it required a 1500-metre sheet of PVC and was tethered in place using 20 ropes, each with a load limit of 6 tonnes! The ball takes 3.5 hours to inflate, weighs 650 kg and has already been on display for 3 weeks at the Emporor's Palace resort near Johannesburg's O.R. International airport.  As part of the celebrations for what has already been a truely magnificent World Cup.ball measures a gigantic15.66 m - 

Thursday, August 26, 2010

World Largest Swimming Pool

World Largest Swimming Pool

This pool is made with seawater and measures a salty 1,013 metres in length.
The area of the pool is eight hectares, or 19.77 acres.
Construction of the pool was completed in December 2006.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

World Largest Mobile/Cell Phone

World Largest Mobile/Cell Phone

Cricket Communications and Samsung Mobile
4.57 x 3.42 x .74 m (15 x 11.2 x 2.5 ft)
Illinois, USA
11 March 2009
The largest functioning mobile phone is a scaled up Samsung SCH-r450. It measures 4.57 x 3.42 x .74 m (15 x 11.2 x 2.5 ft), was achieved by Cricket Communications and Samsung Mobile, and was unveiled at an event coordinated by creative agency Neverstop (all USA) in Chicago, Illinois, USA, on 11 March 2009.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

World Largest Air force (By Aircrafts)

World Largest Air force (By Aircraft)

The Russian Air Force  is the air force of Russia.
With 7,358 aircraft

Sukhoi Su-27
Air Superiority Fighter
Sukhoi Su-30

Strike Fighter
Sukhoi Su-35BM

Air Superiority Fighter
Mikoyan MiG-29
Multirole Fighter
Mikoyan MiG-31
Sukhoi Su-34
Sukhoi Su-24
Tactical Fighter/Bomber
Mikoyan MiG-35
Multi-Role Fighter
Sukhoi Su-25
Close Air Support

Bomber Aircraft
Tupolev Tu-22M
Strategic bomber
Tupolev Tu-95
Strategic bomber
Tupolev Tu-160
Strategic bomber

Trainer Aircraft
Yakovlev Yak-130
Aero L-39 Albatros

Transport Aircraft
Ilyushin Il-76
Ilyushin Il-112
Light Transport
Antonov An-12
Antonov An-22
Antonov An-26
Antonov An-124
Antonov An-70

Command Post
Ilyushin Il-80
Command Post
Tupolev Tu-214

Command Post / VIP

Aerial refueling
Ilyushin Il-78
Refueling Tanker

Beriev A-50
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-25

Attack Helicopter
Kamov Ka-50
Attack Helicopter
Kamov Ka-52
Attack Helicopter
Mil Mi-24
Attack helicopter
Mil Mi-28
Attack Helicopter

Transport Helicopter
Mil Mi-8
Transport Helicopter
Mil Mi-26
Transport Helicopter
Kamov Ka-60 Russia Transport Helicopter

World Largest Army

 World Largest Army

 The People's Liberation Army (PLA)  is the unified military organization of all land, sea, strategic missile and air forces of the People's Republic of China.

Military age 18–49 (compulsory de jure; voluntary de facto)
Conscription None
Available for
military service
381,747,145 males, age 16–49 (2010 est),
360,385,629 females, age 16–49 (2010 est)
Fit for
military service
314,668,817 males, age 16–49 (2010 est),
298,745,786 females, age 16–49 (2010 est)
Reaching military
age annually
10,699,186 males (2010 est),
9,460,217 females (2010 est)
Active personnel approximately 2,255,000(ranked 1st)
Reserve personnel 1,200,000
Deployed personnel Overseas: ~300 anti-pirate personnel in Somalia
Paramilitary: approximately 4,100,000
Total: 7,555,000~ (ranked 1st)
Budget $80.64 billion (2010) (ranked 2nd)
Percent of GDP 1,5% (2010 est.)

World Largest Vehicle

World Largest Vehicle

the Liebherr T 282B is an off-highway, ultra class, rigid frame, two-axle, diesel/electric, AC powertrain haul truck designed and manufactured by the Liebherr Mining Equipment Co. in Newport News, Virginia, USA. The T 282B is Liebherr’s largest, highest payload capacity haul truck, offering one of the largest haul truck payload capacities in the world.  T 282B costs US$ 4 to 5 million

Manufacturer Liebherr Mining Equipment Co.
Production 2004–present
Assembly Newport News, VA, USA
Predecessor T282
Class Ultra class
Body style(s) Dump truck
Layout Front engine, rear wheel drive
Engine(s) DDC/MTU 20V4000
Arrangement: V-20
Capacity: 90 litres (5,500 cu in)
Power: 3,500 horsepower (2,600 kW)
Cummins QSK 78
Arrangement: V-18
Capacity: 78 litres (4,800 cu in)
Power: 3,650 horsepower (2,720 kW)
Transmission(s) AC electric
Wheelbase 21 ft 6 in (6.55 m)
Length 14.5 metres (48 ft)
Width 8.7 metres (29 ft)
Height 7.4 metres (24 ft)
Curb weight Max Loaded 1,316,000 pounds (597 t)

World's Largest Ship

World's Largest Ship







The Knock Nevis is a floating storage and offloading unit (FSO) currently owned by the Norwegian company Fred Olsen Production. The unit was previously a supertanker and as such held the record for the world's largest ship. As a tanker the ship was known under the names Seawise Giant, Happy Giant, and Jahre Viking.

Knock Nevis was built in 1979 at Sumitomo Heavy Industries's Oppama shipyard as Seawise Giant. The ship was built for a Greek owner who was unable to take delivery of the ship.
260,941 GT (214,793 NT)
458.45 m (1,504.10ft)
68.8 m (225.72ft)
29.8 m (97.77ft)
564,650 DWT

World Largest Aircraft

World Largest Aircraft

The Antonov An-225 Mriya  is a strategic airlift cargo aircraft, designed by the Soviet Antonov Design Bureau.

  • Crew: 6
  • Payload: 250,000 kg (550,000 lb)
  • Door dimensions: 440 x 640 cm (14.4 x 21 ft)
  • Length: 84 m (275.6 ft)
  • Wingspan: 88.4 m (290 ft 2 in)
  • Height: 18.1 m (59.3 ft)
  • Wing area: 905 m2 (9,743.7 ft2)
  • Cargo Volume: 1,300 m3 (46,000 cu ft))
  • Empty weight: 285,000 kg (628,315 lb)
  • Max takeoff weight: 640,000 kg (1,323,000 lb)
  • Powerplant: 6× ZMKB Progress D-18 turbofans, 229.5 kN (51,600 lbf) each
  • Takeoff run: 3,500 m (11,500 ft) with maximum payload

World Largest Airport

World Largest Airport

  • Taken literally as the airport which takes up the most land mass, thisis the King Fahd International Airport in Damman, Saudi Arabia. It takesup some 780 square kilometres - an area larger than many cities.
    it is larger than the nearby country of Bahrain
The General Authority of Civil Aviation of Saudi Arabia finally opened the new Dammam King Fahd International Airport on November 28, 1999 to commercial traffic

The passenger terminal’s total area is 327,000 m² (3,519,798 ft²). Approximately 247,500 m² (2,664,067 ft²) were built in the first phase, in addition to 11 fixed passenger boarding bridges serving 15 gates out of an original design capacity of 31 fixed boarding bridges

World Largest Church

St. Peter's Basilica

The Papal Basilica of Saint Peter, officially known in Italian as the Basilica Papale di San Pietro in Vaticano and commonly known as St. Peter's Basilica, is a Late Renaissance church located within the Vatican City. St. Peter's Basilica has the largest interior of any Christian church in the world, holding 60,000 people. It is regarded as one of the holiest Christian sites.

In Catholic tradition, the basilica is the burial site of its namesake Saint Peter, who was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus and, according to tradition, first Bishop of Rome and therefore first in the line of the papal succession. Tradition and some historical evidence hold that Saint Peter's tomb is directly below the altar of the basilica

Architectural description
Architect(s) Donato Bramante
Antonio da Sangallo the Younger
Jacopo Barozzi da Vignola
Giacomo della Porta
Carlo Maderno
Gianlorenzo Bernini
Architectural style Renaissance and Baroque
Groundbreaking 1506
Year completed 1626
Capacity 60,000 +
Length 730 feet (220 m)
Width 500 feet (150 m)
Height (max) 452 feet (138 m)